I think it went well
Left my exam 30min earlier yesterday. Left my exam 20min earlier the other day.
I have a few theories on why I'm behaving this way:
1) I'm absolutely brilliant
2) I cannot be bothered with exams
3) Exams no longer excite me
4) I have no interest in whatever I'm doing
I know I'll do a credit, but I don't think such behaviour warrants me a distinction. Sigh. I did pour out everything I knew, just not sure if its enough.
Had enough of a rest yesterday. Lazied around the whole day, just refusing to start work. Just had breakfast, and I'm going to wash up and leave the house soon.
Stumbled upon this blog that has this guide on surviving in SNGS. I applaud those person for trying to make SN a more accessible place. But it's just hilarious how much clues you decide to drop, whilst not revealing your identity. SN is not that big, ya know. It's so easy to find out who you are, speaking from experience. Anyhows, here's the blog. http://www.ultimategenuineguide.blogspot.com/
It was really entertaining to me.